Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 2, 2016


Monday is the beginning of the week and it has always been the unsaid enemy of people who completely enjoyed their weekends. Well, that’s quite a lot of people. It is a known the real that we really can’t get rid of Monday off the days of the week, people need to get up and almost drag their ass off the bed and start working the day. Monday mornings are the most dread moment of the week.

“Monday?! But, I wasn’t even finished with Saturday yet..”

Mondays are mundane, like Tuesdays minus 24 hours.

Monday should be spelled Mughnday because it needs that ugh to really capture its spirit
Monday is the day of silence, day of the whole white mung bean, which is sacred to the moon.
>>> Read more quotes about love
Candy is natures way of making up for Mondays

Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress
>>> Read more funny quotes about life

“This should be the spirit every Mondays. Know that something good will always happen.”

“Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.

“Dear Radio Stations, please do not play Katy Perry’s “Friday Night” Monday morning at 8 AM during my drive to work.”

“Candy is natures way of making up for Mondays.”

“Monday is just a reminder that the weekend has past and there are only a few more days before another weekend gets here.”

“Freak out cause it’s monday again.”

>>> A collection of I Love You Quotes. All our love quotes are carefully selected. Enjoy from i love you quotes.

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